Welcome to the SCSEP Help Website

Here you can find breaking news, the latest documents for both SCSEP and GPMS and the prior years’ SPARQ SCSEP QPRs. We even have a few oldies but goodies for you under SPARQ Archives.

Release 2.9.1 has been deployed to Production

Release 2.9.1 has been deployed to GPMS. The Release Notes can be found below. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

The GPMS User Guide has been updated.

The GPMS User Guide now reflects GPMS’s current functionality, including changes implemented in recent Hotfixes and Releases.

Announcement regarding Login.gov authentication issues

We have received several inquiries regarding users having an issue when their (only) authentication method is no longer an option.

Many users use their mobile as their only authentication method. Login.gov strongly recommends having at least two authentication methods, in case of a user losing one method.

Please keep in mind that if you lose your authentication method and do not have a backup connected to your account, you must delete your current Login.gov account and create a new one.

Quick Links

GPMS Data Collection Handbooks

GPMS Production Access

GPMS New User Template





GPMS User Guide
