U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
SCSEP Quarterly Progress Report
ETA 5140

The modified positions listed in field A5 were changed in the middle of the third quarter of PY 2016 to reflect the awards made to national grantees by the 2016 competition and changes to Equitable Distribution based on the latest Census data. Fields in the QPR that report or use modified positions, including core performance measures E1 and E5, cannot be accurately reported for the third and fourth quarters of PY 2016 or for the final end-of-year QPR for PY 2016. For this and other reasons related to the transition required by the national grantee competition, comparison with prior or future QPRs should not be made.

1a. Grantee:
1b. Sub-Grantee:
2. Grantee Code:
3a. Report Period Ending:
3b. Program Year(s):
4. Number of Authorized Positions:
5. Number of Modified Positions:
1. Carried Over from the Previous Program Year:
Q1: 513
YTD: 512
2. New Participants:
Q: 127
YTD: 251
3. Total Exits:
Q: 122
YTD: 308
4. Current Participants:

5a. Vacancies:
5b. Rejected Records:  3
5c. Records with Duration Rejects:  0
6. Number of Persons on Waiting List:
    Current: 54 YTD:  
7. Co-Enrollments:
    Q: 189 YTD: 260
8a. Exits Due to Unsubsidized Employment:
Q: 24
YTD: 92
8b. Other Reasons for Exit:
Q: 40
YTD: 120
8c. Exclusions:
Q: 16
YTD: 54
8d. Exclusions after Exit:
Q: 1
YTD: 2
9a. Transferred Into
Q: 36
YTD: 36
9b. Transferred Out
of Project:
Q: 42
YTD: 42
10a. Placements:
Q: 24
YTD: 102
10b. OJE Placements:
Q: 0
YTD: 0
10c. Average
Starting Wage
in Placements:
Q: $10.76
L4Q: $10.32
10d. Percent of
Placements with
Q: 42
L4Q: 34
10e. Average Hours per
Week in
Q: 29.0
L4Q: 28.2
10f. Placements without
Q: 3
YTD: 3
11. Number of Hours of Training:
Q: 657 YTD: 5588
12. % Participants Assigned 18-22 Hours per Week:
Q: 48 YTD: 54
13. Average Project Duration:
Q: 14.6 L9Q: 15.5
1. Number of participants providing service to the general community
475 636
2. Total number of hours worked in service to the general community
82971 256763
3. Number of participants providing service to the elderly community
119 175
4. Total number of hours worked in service to the elderly community
20091 60728
5. Total number of participants providing community service
573 760
6. Total number of hours worked in community service
103062 317491
Authorized for Local Reproduction ETA-5140
(Revised August 2016)

  Q No. Q % YTD No. YTD % L4Q No. L4Q %
1. Male
234 41 311 41 344 41
2. Female
343 59 451 59 496 59
Age at
3. 55-59
204 35 278 36 308 37
4. 60-64
176 31 233 31 262 31
5. 65-69
125 22 163 21 176 21
6. 70-74
48 8 60 8 66 8
7. 75 & over
24 4 29 4 29 3
8. Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin
47 8 58 8 62 7
9. American Indian or Alaska Native
4 1 6 1 7 1
10. Asian
2 0 5 1 6 1
11. Black or African American
246 43 327 43 355 42
12. Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
0 0 0 0 0 0
13. White
294 51 390 51 437 52
14. Two or More Races
7 1 7 1 7 1
15. 8th grade & under
9 2 12 2 13 2
16. 9th grade – 11th grade
74 13 105 14 114 14
17. High School diploma or equivalent
272 47 358 47 392 47
18. 1 – 3 years college
101 18 131 17 150 18
19. Post-secondary certificate
15 3 18 2 18 2
20. Associate's degree
29 5 39 5 42 5
21. Bachelor's degree or equivalent
56 10 72 9 80 10
22. Some graduate school
4 1 4 1 5 1
23. Master's degree
13 2 20 3 22 3
24. Doctoral degree
3 1 3 0 4 0
25. Family income at or below the poverty level
508 88 670 88 742 88
26. Individuals with disabilities
144 25 187 25 209 25
27. Individuals with limited English proficiency
25 4 37 5 38 5
28. Individuals with low literacy skills
59 10 76 10 79 9
29. Individuals residing in rural areas
139 24 184 24 202 24
30. Individuals with low employment prospects
526 91 690 90 754 90
31. Individuals who failed to find employment after using WIA Title I
108 19 147 19 160 19
32. Individuals age 75 and over at date of report
32 6 42 6 43 5
33. Individuals who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
308 53 412 54 461 55
34. Displaced homemakers
30 5 37 5 42 5
35. Veterans (or eligible spouse of veteran)
101 18 129 17 142 17
  Post-9/11 era veterans
0 0 1 0 1 0
36. Individuals receiving public assistance
416 72 535 70 584 69
37. Individuals with severe disability
4 1 11 1 14 2
38. Individuals who are frail
0 0 0 0 0 0
39. Individuals old enough for but not receiving SS Title II
4 1 5 1 5 1
40. Individuals with severely limited employment prospects in areas of persistent unemployment
48 8 123 16 192 23

1. Community Service
The number of hours of community service in the reporting period divided by the number of hours of community service funded by the grant minus the number of paid training hours in the reporting period  75.0%   N/A N/A  
2. Common Measures Entered Employment
Of those not employed at the time of participation, the number of participants employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of participants who exit during the quarter  48.8%   40.5%

N = 30
D = 74

N = 89
D = 202

N = 120
D = 257
3. Common Measures Employment Retention
Of those participants who are employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter, the number employed in both the second and third quarters after the exit quarter divided by the number of participants who exit during the quarter  68.8%   67.7%

N = 21
D = 31

N = 54
D = 81

N = 67
D = 101
4. Common Measures Average Earnings
Of those participants who are employed in the first, second, and third quarters after the quarter of program exit, total earnings in the second and third quarters after the exit quarter, divided by the number of exiters during the period  7505   7219

N = 151,604
D = 21

N = 399,308
D = 53

N = 467,535
D = 65
5. Service Level
The number of participants who are active on the last day of the reporting period or who exited during the reporting period divided by the number of modified community service positions 163.5%    N/A N/A  
6. Service to Most in Need
Average number of barriers per participant. The total number of the following characteristics: severe disability, frail; age 75 or older, old enough for but not receiving SS Title II, severely limited employment prospects and living in an area of persistent unemployment, limited English proficiency, low literacy skills, disability, rural, veterans, low employment prospects, failed to find employment after using WIA Title I, and homeless or at risk of homelessness divided by the number of participants who are active on the last day of the reporting period or who exited during the reporting period 2.75    2.60

N = 1,501
D = 577

N = 2,057
D = 763

N = 2,315
D = 841

1. Retention at 1 year
Of those participants who are employed in the first quarter after the exit quarter: the number of participants who are employed in the fourth quarter after the exit quarter divided by the number of participants who exit during the quarter 64.5%

N = 20
D = 31

N = 52
D = 81

N = 66
D = 101
2. Customer Satisfaction
Average ACSI for employers      
  Average annual ACSI for participants      
  Annual average ACSI for host agencies      
3. Volunteerism
Of those who have not volunteered prior to enrollment, the number of participants engaged in volunteer activities in the first quarter after exit quarter divided by the number of participants who exit during the quarter 12.9%

N = 8
D = 62

N = 15
D = 170

N = 20
D = 220

GOAL means the stated negotiated target rate for that performance measure.
Q means the count or rate for the current reporting quarter.
YTD means the count or rate for the program year to date, from July 1st through the current reporting quarter.
L4Q means the count or rate for the most recent four quarters, including the current reporting quarter.
N means the numerator used in the calculation of the rate.
D means the denominator used in the calculation of the rate.

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